Saturday 2 February 2013

A Doer or just a Thinker?

Changes don't happen, and people die every day needlessly in wars because millions of us tell ourselves that caring is just as good as doing. It's an internal mechanism controlled by the lazy part of your brain to keep you from actually doing anything. Why make any effort to make a difference, when you know deep down inside you really do care, and 'your thoughts are with' those unfortunate people who suffer the most in the world?

I will tell you why - because you have to be the one to change things. You have to be the one to help. You have to be the one who get other people involved in changing things. Just caring isn't enough.

If you give what you can to help us get on with things, you are someone who has become a Contributor, rather than just a Thinker, you are stepping in the right direction.

However, become a Doer, a Motivator or anything else you have the skills to do... and then you will be more than a Contributor, you will be a cog in the engine of change, a petal on the flower of peace and a droplet in the ocean of balanced harmony.


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