Sunday 24 July 2011

No good deed goes unpunished

I am fulfilled, I know what I am, who I am and where I came from. That is why I am not scared of death. I am a Theolalite, a Gnostic, I can see the world for what it is. If others find the truth, and then they can feel as fulfilled as I do, they will also not fear life or death. They will also have that warm sense of knowing and will help others too.

The reason why I say 'no good deed goes unpunished' is because people are so under the influence of mind control, and have been fooled for so long, that anyone who comes along and does start showing the truth and affecting others, they attack them. I don't blame them for being angry, because without inner peace life is so much worse, and they can't stand to see someone else so happy, because they aren't. So they ask me in anger to prove to them what I am saying is true, like I owe them it. However nothing I say matters, as we all need to to go on the journey to find that truth ourselves.

So when others attack me, I don't blame them. I can see their pain. But most are unwilling to keep seeking, so spend their whole life in a living hell, never fully realising their potential. This is why I have the Church, the Order and write my articles, so that those who are seeking can get some answers. At times I see someone in great pain and want them to know the truth so bad, because if they knew it, they would not feel as they do. This is something I have to deal with myself, and realise that not everyone wants to wake up.

Tau Tia x


  1. Dear Tau Tia x,

    I do not know what to say about your statement, butit is so intriguing. My mind set is similar to yours, as I believe that the vast majority of people live in a chronic delusional state that makes of them an unhappy and sad lot.

    Over the years, I have tried to find answers to human existence, its purpose, its ends, and have
    only run into a dark void of cruelty, madness, lies and simulations.

    I have seen how people try so hard to deny their
    own instincts for goodness and appreciation of fellow humans, and then I can see how they are
    programmed from early on in their lives to be cynical, mean, petty-minded, vulgar and unloving.

    The world seeks to use every weakness, every hope and every feeling of people to control and
    abuse the true human spirit, which is altruistic by nature.

    My great disappointment with life is that I do not see any hope of ever changing the corrupted spirit that permeates our civilization. Moreover, the thought of a small number of individuals who find enlightement in the midst of this unholy mess seem to me so miniscule as to not matter much in the larger scheme of life.

    Of course, I might be wrong, but have no way of knowing.

    I congratulate you for your inner peace and good will to others.



  2. Dear Tau Tia x,

    I do not know what to say about your statement, butit is so intriguing. My mind set is similar to yours, as I believe that the vast majority of people live in a chronic delusional state that makes of them an unhappy and sad lot.

    Over the years, I have tried to find answers to human existence, its purpose, its ends, and have
    only run into a dark void of cruelty, madness, lies and simulations.

    I have seen how people try so hard to deny their
    own instincts for goodness and appreciation of fellow humans, and then I can see how they are
    programmed from early on in their lives to be cynical, mean, petty-minded, vulgar and unloving.

    The world seeks to use every weakness, every hope and every feeling of people to control and
    abuse the true human spirit, which is altruistic by nature.

    My great disappointment with life is that I do not see any hope of ever changing the corrupted spirit that permeates our civilization. Moreover, the thought of a small number of individuals who find enlightement in the midst of this unholy mess seem to me so miniscule as to not matter much in the larger scheme of life.

    Of course, I might be wrong, but have no way of knowing.

    I congratulate you for your inner peace and good will to others.


